
Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Comment to Tāiapā area kura

Kia ora koutou, ko Delontaye tooku ingoa, I am 8 years old and I go to Taamaki Primary School. Did you know that we were the first bi-lingual Māori unit in our whole kura? We have got 2 akomanga: 1 for the teina, years 2-5 and our akomanga tuakana, years 6-8. Our kaiako for the teina is Matua Punehu. The kaiako for The tuakana are Matua Andre,Matua Punehu,Whaea Mara and Whaea Lee-ann.
Ka kite anoo.


1 comment:

  1. Aww delontaye you are such a great tauira!! Tu meke!!!!!!

    Nice one ehoaa!!!!!!!!!

    I liked how you put your kaiako and your maama in there.
    (SMiley face)
