
Thursday, 11 April 2019

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Tui reserch


We hare been learning about New Zealand history. So we started with native and endanger New e Zealand i hope you do enjoy our slide show.
naa Delontay

Monday, 8 April 2019

Raranga matihiko

Raranaga matihiko

Kia Ora ko delontay toku ingoa today i'm going to tell you a little bit about what we did last last friday. It was the BOMB!! When we experienced how to put our videos into imovies at the bottom you can see what we were reading so go and check it out!!!

On thursday the 4th of april whaea Stacey and whaea Waimiria. They came to our classroom Te Puna Wairua and they gave us a paper pepeha sheet and we wrote on it. We presented our pepeha in front of the class. After that we watch half of the mahi that we did then it was kai iti. When the bell rang then whaea Waimiria said the teina will stay with whaea Waimiiria and the yrs 5 go with whaea stacey the teina did imovie the yrs 6 did activity on the laptops and the robots then we switched again. We had to finish all our mahi before Whaea Waimiiria left us. We said thank you but before we said that whaea Waimiiria sang a song. then all of us paki paki and then she left. Here is my mahi i hope you enjoy.